MultiSig & Validator
The MultiSig
Moonity is proud to announce the completion of the Gnosis MultiSig for Moonity’s Charity and Marketing wallet security. The purpose of the Moonity charity wallet is to conduct a fundraiser for charities through Moonity tokenomics. The purpose of the marketing wallet is to create campaigns for Moonity growth and gain new investors. The purpose of the Gnosis Multisig is to provide security for the Moonity wallets and provide trust between the Moonity team and our investors. Our goal is to be transparent as possible while donating to charities and growing our community.
How does the Moonity Charity wallet work?
According to Moonity’s tokenomics, every transaction you make with Moonity ($MOONI) will be taxed with at least a 12–14% slippage, part of that tax is sent to the Charity wallet and donated at the end of each month to charities voted on by our community on our Harmony Governance section.
What is a Moonity Marketing wallet?
At launch, Moonity kept and stored Mooni tokens in the Marketing wallet for marketing expenses such as site hosting, digital marketing, airdrops, and give-aways. Marketing is important for the organization’s growth and it’s important for Mooni holders to share and like each Moonity’s marketing campaing through all digital medias.
Who are the signature holders?
Currently, Moonity has nine signature holders for it’s Charity and Marketing vaults; with six signature holders within the Moonity team and three outside signature holders. A few more outside signatures are pending to be added in the future.
Currently the signature holders are;
Harmony Validator StrongMindsHold, Dev & OpenFi Validator Alex, Wellness.ONE Validator Shawn, and the full team of Moonity; creator and dev of Moonity Tim, Admin and Charity Researcher Toto, Admin and content creator Mando, investor and “cat” K Rypto, Admin and Moonity.ONE validator Drewcano, and last but not least, Admin and sailor Turning Lathe.
The Vaults
Moonity — Charity Funds Safe (minimum 5 signatures out of 9 for any transaction)
Moonity — Marketing Funds Safe (minimum of 3 signatures out of 9 for any transaction)
Please show our outside signature holders some love by staking your ONE with them:
Stake your ONE with StrongMindsHold
Stake your ONE with
Visit for your daily swapping and farming.
Moonity’s own Validator
With special thanks to Moonity’s community member Drewcano and everyone that helped him, Moonity is now running its own validator Moonity.ONE.
Help us get elected and stake your ONE with Moonity
Moonity will be running it’s validator with a 10% fee on the rewards, a breakdown of the rewards are as follow;
As you can see, even with our validator Moonity continues to adhere to our main mission, which is to give to charity, while still being a good investment for our investors. 2,5% of the fees are being used to run the validator node, 2,5% of the fees are sent to Moonity’s charity vault to be donated to charities of your choosing at the end of the month, and 5,0% is used to buy back and burn Moonity making Moonity worth more, which is good for the donations AND our investors.
Learn more about Moonity and the causes it stands for:
📝 Whitepaper| 🌎 Moonity Website | 📊 Price Chart| 🗳️ Governance/Vote
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